How long have you been working in the Industry?
5 years in hospitality carpet. 30 years in textiles. (OMG, I’m OLD!!! 😊)
What territory do you currently cover?
South Central US – TX, OK, LA etc.
What is your earliest memory that motivated you to pursue a design career?
My stepmother taught me how to sew when I was about 7 years old. Since then, I have had a special affinity for textiles, but I have always loved painting as well. So, when it came time to pursue a career, a friend and mentor steered me into textile design. Textiles are both art and craft and after all these years is still exciting and rewarding.
What's been your design process when you develop this Infuse collection for Durkan?
I wanted it to be a fusion of generations – showcasing my grandmother’s work and making new designs in the same flavour but with my own touch too. Lots of looking at her work and lots of experimenting with my own art using her shapes and aesthetic.
When you are short on inspiration how do you reenergize; where do you go for inspiration?
Most of the time I go to the garden! I have a BIG garden. Manual labour helps to shut off the brain so it has time to rest and reorganize, to sort things out so they can be looked at with a fresh perspective. Once your mind has had a break, it’s easier to find inspiration in everything around you.