Doing More with Less

Zero Water: Color Pulse uses zero water in its dyeing process, conserving natural resources.

Longer Lifecycle: Carpets made with Color Pulse deliver greater durability to minimize environmental impact. They are also easy to recycle through our ReCover program.

River Conservation: As a cornerstone of the Waterways Project, the purchase of Color Pulse products supports donations to projects that are working to preserve river health and human health around the world.


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Better Performance

Available with the performance of Duracolor® Tricor and Colorstrand® SD, Color Pulse does more than help visually hide soil and wear. Our proprietary solution-dyed fiber creates a carpet that lasts longer and is highly resistant to staining.


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Color Pulse™ Longwave

Color Pulse™ Longwave was designed to allow for color variation by switching colors out in intervals on the same fiber, so they appear and reappear on the yarn with long rhythmic cadence. Color tones come in and out like a wave with the illusion of more visible color. The family of yarns includes five new color stories, all inspired by the gradient range of shadows to light.

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