Fractal Vision
A Stress Reductive Approach to Design
What is a fractal?
When we look at a tree, first we see big branches growing out of the trunk, then we see smaller branches growing out of each big branch. As we keep zooming in, finer and finer branches appear, all the way down to the smallest twigs. Upon closer inspection, there is a structure underlying these natural arrangements. And as we look closer and closer, the patterns repeat over and over. These are fractals.
Designers, Thinkers, Makers
Collection Overviews
Relaxing Floors
The Relaxing Floors collection shows an understanding that nature can be our partner. The designs are inspired by the natural world and adapted for the interior environment. Through the culmination of art, science, and design, Relaxing Floors utilizes fractals to tap into our innate affinity for nature and activate our bodies’ stress-relieving response to similar patterns.
Fractal Fluency
The design concept of fractal fluency at Mohawk Group is to make your space resemble natural scenes that display fractal composites, consisting of individual geometric arrangements that visually merge to form the overall fractal pattern. The aim is to tap into our innate affinity for natural patterns, helping to create more relaxing surroundings
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