July 9, 2022 3:56 pm

Infuse 007: Meg Turner

How long have you been working in the Industry?
1.5 Year

What territory do you currently cover?
Chicago / North Central

What inspires you professionally?
I love seeing the concept packages for projects that design firms send for me to react to- they provide so much inspiration and it pushes me to try to go a step or two further to really wow them.

What is your favorite aspect of your job?
I love the challenge of a new project when I get to really dive in and just be creative and try to wow the client.

What are your most favorite things on your desk?
Do snacks count? :) A 3D printed Julius Caesar bust pencil holder my brother made me- I love history and it always makes me smile.

When you are short on inspiration how do you reenergize; where do you go for inspiration?
Going for a walk or just getting out and being active really helps to clear my mind and come up with inspiration. Also, typically right before I fall asleep my brain fixes problems so I keep a pen and notepad by my bed where I can scribble things out and *hopefully* understand my scribbles in the morning.

What made you decide to showcase the trend/designs that you selected?
I’ve noticed a trend of updated traditional floral patterns starting to grow in hospitality. I went through our archives and found some old florals that had potential, and simplified/ updated/took bits and pieces of them and geometrics to create a fresh take on florals.