July 29, 2022 2:45 pm

Infuse 020: Nathan Voirol

How long have you been working in the Industry?
I have been a designer for floor coverings for 2 ½ years. Prior to that I was a designer for contract textiles.

What territory do you currently cover?
North East

What inspires you professionally?
I enjoy the opportunity of working on large scale designs.

What is your favorite aspect of your job?
Creative problem solving and being of service.

What are your most favorite things on your desk?
I keep a small notebook to sketch out ideas and a few art supplies.

When you are short on inspiration how do you reenergize; where do you go for inspiration?
My sketchbook, looking at art or going for a short walk.

What made you decide to showcase the trend/designs that you selected?
Personal interest.