August 26, 2022 2:45 pm

Infuse 021: Katy Currie

How long have you been working in the Industry?
7 years

What territory do you currently cover?
Atlanta, Georgia

What is your earliest memory that motivated you to pursue a design career?
Constant drawing. I was particularly obsessed with the 90’s Fashion Network as a child and would fill up notebooks with hundreds of clothing sketches. In between those pages I’d be drawing my dream bedroom later motivating me to pursue my degree in interior design.

What's been your design process when you develop this Infuse collection for Durkan?
I tend to pick foreign subject matters or things I don’t know much about, so my ‘hand’ or style will be a bit different. For instance, this collection is based on crocheting which I have no experience in and it turned out very individual.

When you are short on inspiration how do you reenergize; where do you go for inspiration?
Mindlessly doodling. I really like doing blind contours to see what kind of unique shapes and movement can surface.